Everything You Need To Know About Full-Mouth Rehabilitation

At Folsom Dental Esthetics, one of Dr. Christina Skelton’s specialties is full-mouth rehabilitation in Folsom, CA. But what is full-mouth rehabilitation, what’s involved, and is it right for you? In this blog, we’ll explain the basics about the procedure, how it works, and whether or not you’re a good candidate for treatment.

What Is Full-Mouth Rehabilitation?

Sometimes also called a “full-mouth reconstruction,” full-mouth rehabilitation involves repairing or replacing most or all of your teeth. Full-mouth rehabilitation is usually required for patients who have extensive, chronic, untreated oral health problems.

For example, some conditions like extensive gum disease or tooth decay can damage or destroy most or all of your teeth. If you have serious oral health problems, full-mouth rehabilitation may be the best way to restore your smile.

After your full-mouth rehabilitation from the team at Folsom Dental Esthetics, your mouth will finally be healthy, and your teeth will be fully restored. That means you’ll be able to eat, speak, smile, and laugh normally, without any pain, embarrassment, or self-consciousness.

What Procedures Can Be Done As Part of Full-Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full-mouth rehabilitation is a highly-individualized treatment. In other words, the procedures that are required will vary depending on your oral health issues, how serious they are, your schedule for treatment, and lots of other factors. However, there are a few procedures that are commonly part of full-mouth rehabilitation at Folsom Dental Esthetics.

  • Fillings and crowns – Dental fillings and crowns are commonly used to repair decayed or damaged teeth. We use tooth-colored fillings and CEREC dental crowns made of porcelain, which ensures that your newly-restored teeth will look and feel natural.
  • Root canal therapy – Root canal therapy may be required as part of the treatment process if you have any infected teeth. With a root canal, Dr. Skelton can clean out the infection, restore the tooth, and ensure it stays intact for years and decades to come.
  • Tooth extractions – If you have some teeth that are too damaged to save, tooth extractions are usually the best option for removing them and preventing further complications. After an extraction, Dr. Skelton can explore your options for tooth replacement.
  • Dental implants – Dental implants can be used to permanently replace one, several, or an entire mouth of missing teeth. Teeth restored with dental implants have a 30+ year lifespan, never shift or move, and look and feel completely natural.
  • Cosmetic dentistry – Along with restorative care, cosmetic dentistry like veneers, teeth whitening, and other such treatments can help improve the overall appearance of your smile, and put the final touch on your full-mouth rehabilitation.

Think You Need Full-Mouth Rehabilitation In Folsom? Come To Our Office Today!

With her expertise in both cosmetic and restorative dentistry, Dr. Christina Skelton can help you restore your smile, no matter how complex your dental health issues may be. If you think that you need full-mouth reconstruction in Folsom, CA, we’re here to help.

Our office is a judgment-free zone. We don’t focus on what caused your oral health issues, but how they can be treated, and how you can move forward and get the smile you deserve. So don’t wait. Contact us online or give Folsom Dental Esthetics a call at (916) 983-6051 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Skelton today.

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